EMEA region

Where innovation and collaboration happens anywhere

Remote Boxers


Teams represented

Customer Success, Engineering, Finance, Legal, Marketing, 

People & Communities, Product, Sales, and more!

Delivering hybrid experiences

As we strive to become the world’s leading hybrid company, we want to ensure that we’re creating the best workplace experiences possible through driving effective collaboration, fostering community, and further developing relationships across teams.

Collaboration from anywhere

This means we blend in-person collaboration with the benefits of working remotely and depending on your location, you may also have the chance to go into a co-working space and collaborate in person with other Boxers.

Thrive wherever you are

We’ve created roles where Boxers can thrive remotely. Being a remote employee comes with several benefits that can enhance your work-life balance and productivity all while fostering community and developing your career at Box.

Hybrid work

We’re flexible, and we know that a one size fits all approach isn’t always practical – We invite everyone to “bring your ____ self to work,” and encourage each person to fill in the blank.  No matter your location or team, there are opportunities to engage and contribute to our culture.

Box has created an exceptional work environment that fosters productivity, collaboration, and personal growth, even in a remote setting. I am proud to be part of the company that not only values its employees but also embraces the concept of remote working.  Box has seamlessly integrated remote work into its culture. This arrangement has transformed both my professional and personal life in numerous ways, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and overall well-being.

Working for Box has not only given me the opportunity to grow my career. It has also given me the opportunity to work with some outstanding customers in many different sectors. I have been here for around 1 year and I love it every single day. Every day is different and that definitely keeps you on your toes! Every single employee at Box is invested in the product and the customers and the amount of support from peers, management and directors alike is truly what makes Box a special place to work!

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